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Kiss-cut sticker settings

Updated: Jun 8, 2018

When I started out printing and cutting my own stickers with my Silhouette Cutting Machine, I would have loved to have a trouble-shooting guide for the first few hurdles you encounter. So, this is why I decided to share my knowledge and hopefully save you time and pain. Finding the proper settings can be a long and wasteful journey, leaving you some stickers cut all the way through, and an unusable sheet.

How do you fix this nightmare? If you've ever searched for 'Silhouette Cut Settings' for stickers, everyone just says "experiment because each cutter is different". And even though I know that to be true, I would have still likes at least a starting point, or a little bit of direction.

I usually cut by lines, separating red lines for 'kiss cut' or sticker cut, and blue lines for regular cut. (I used to think you had to change the blade for each type of cut, wow was that a waste of time!) Anyway, the settings I use are the following:

Kiss-cut settings:

Paper: Sticker paper, white.

Blade 1, Speed 6, Passes 1.


You don't need to switch out the blade depth when you're kiss-cutting stickers. Just set the sheet outline color to cardstock, keep the standard cut settings and make sure you click on 2 passes, like so:

Sticker sheet cut-settings:

Paper: Cardstock.

Blade 3, Speed 20, Passes 2.

These setting may not work for everyone, so be sure to test things out. Test the cut settings with a blank sticker sheet so you don't waste ink.

If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out !

Warm regards,



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